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UFO That 'Shot Down A Cylindrical Beam Of Light' Reported Over NY

UFO That ‘Shot Down A Cylindrical Beam Of Light’ Reported Over New York State

So far, 2024 has been a busy year for sightings of unexplained phenomena across the skies of New York.

Many reports of so-called flying saucers or UFOs, tend to describe the objects as disc-shaped, oval, or "cigar-shaped". Sometimes these objects will change shape, take off at an unimaginably high rate of speed, or emanate flashing lights, according to reports.

But one of New York state's most recent sightings is rather bizarre, as the witness claims the object in the sky "shot down a cylindrical beam of light."

UFO Shoot Beam of Light Over New York's Southern Tier?

A file posted at the National Unidentified Flying Object Reporting Center claims that an unidentified object was spotted over Endicott on the evening of February 14. The witness claims they were on their porch when they looked up and saw what they described as a "bright light with a hazy glow around it slowly moving eastward".

The report says that the object moved slower than a plane or satellite and that there was a "small star-like object" that followed it closely.
The witness goes on to say that the two objects "stopped and emitted this super bright light from what I guess would be the bottom of the craft."

The description continued:

It was not an ordinary light, the light emitted turned into an almost perfect cylindrical cone emitting towards the ground but didn't quite reach the ground.
The resident says that the lights dimmed, and apparently merged into one triangle-shaped object. Eventually, the lights disappeared altogether, as the encounter lasted for about three to four minutes, according to the report.

Witness Claims UFO Flew Over Major Highway In the Hudson Valley

Witness Claims UFO Flew Over Major Highway In the Hudson Valley​

Published: December 29, 2023

New York continues to be one of the leading states in the country for sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects.

There is still much debate among the public over the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Most of the time, the objects witnesses are claiming to see have an easy explanation. But that is not always the case.

Back in October, a resident in Rockland County filmed what they said were "several lights hovering in a line over a mountain. Waiting for a stray light to catch up."

In the report filed to the National Unidentified Flying Object Research Center, the person said they were "taking moon shots" and "noticed aligned lights over a nearby mountain."

Latest UFO Sighting Over I-684 in Westchester County

The latest report says the encounter happened the evening of December 16, as a driver near Harrison says they saw a circular shaped object buzz over them while on the highway.

I was driving on I-684, I saw it coming towards me so I looked up, It flew over my car, I looked at it, It didn't appear to have wings.
The report goes on to say that the incident lasted only thirty seconds, and that they were the only witness on hand.

The NUFORC filing system has a category called Characteristics, where the witness describes their experience in a few words. Under this particular report, this witness listed "Lights on object", and even "Possible abduction", though the latter is highly unlikely.

There were no further reports in the area from that night.


As Above So Below

Strange creature photographed in the Hudson River

Recently, a peculiar sight captured attention in the Hudson River, which meanders through the eastern region of New York State, USA: a large, snake-like creature spotted floating on the water’s surface was photographed. For years, reports of a similar entity have surfaced in the Hudson River, occasionally accompanied by photographic evidence. However, journalists and local officials have typically dismissed these sightings as mere snags or large fish.

In 2018, sonar technology detected a moving object measuring approximately 14 feet in length (4.2 meters) within the water column. Despite initial intrigue, this phenomenon was later attributed to a rare and elderly sturgeon. Sturgeon, once plentiful in the Hudson a century ago, have since dwindled to near extinction, making encountering such a sizable specimen a stroke of remarkable fortune—or so it seemed. Perhaps it wasn’t a sturgeon after all. Dubbed “Kipsey,” this enigmatic snake-like creature is frequently sighted in the Hudson River Valley, particularly near the city of Poughkeepsie.

The most recent sighting of the alleged Kipsey occurred one early morning in March, when Jo-Ann Martin captured a photo and promptly shared it on her social media page, encouraging speculation and theories from fellow observers. While some speculated that Martin had merely captured a piece of driftwood resembling a serpentine form, others humorously suggested a transatlantic visit from “Nessie,” the famous Loch Ness Monster. However, a faction remained convinced that there exists something substantial and mysterious within the Hudson, defying simple explanations like that of a sturgeon.

Could this be proof of a monster living in the deepest section of the Hudson River?
